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Discipleship is the Path to Becoming

October 17, 2022
By Anne Bosarge
The average American sees 4,000 to 10,000 ads daily. Let that sink in. You might argue with that or even think it’s not true because, while you see all those ads, you don’t notice all the ads. You only notice less than 100 ads a day. What is the difference in seeing and noticing? It’s the same as the difference between hearing and listening. Think about how many words a student hears in one day. And then think of how many words they actual listen to. 
The difference in seeing and noticing, hearing and listening is true in our spiritual lives as well.  
Unless we make deep listening and intentional noticing a consistent spiritual practice, the habit of seeing and hearing without comprehension seeps into our spiritual lives as well. We come to believe the physical act of hearing good teaching or worship music will somehow transform our hearts. We assume that seeing scripture on a page or watching a Christian video will somehow magically help us become who we were meant to be. James says it this way in 1:23-24, “For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.” Unfortunately, there are many of us walking around who consume spiritual content but then walk away and forget what it says. Just seeing and hearing spiritual things doesn’t mean you are being transformed by them.  
But even a rhythm of deep listening and intentional noticing is not the end result. Becoming is.  Once you listen and notice, take the time to do the work of understanding and contemplating what God is speaking to you. Internalize it, and then make it a part of your thinking, motivations, attitudes, and habits. Deep listening and intentional noticing are only effective on the spiritual journey of becoming if we move what we’ve learned from our eyes and ears to our minds and into our hearts. This process is the path of becoming more like Jesus. This is the process of making disciples.  
As leaders who are tasked with the role of making disciples who make disciples, we must help people move past consuming thousands of bits of information about the Bible and multi-tasking our spiritually to see how much we can get checked off our spiritual to-do list. Getting people into the church building is not enough. Participation in church activities is not sufficient. We must teach people to take time for deep listening and intentional noticing that moves them to understanding and becoming. How? Here are four ways tips for getting started.   
Get away. Step away from electronics for a specified period of time each day. Go to a place where you are free to just think. Even if you have just 15 minutes to give toward intense reflection, make the most of the time you have. 
Ask questions. No yes or no questions for God to answer, but ask yourself questions that prompt thoughtful responses. Where have I seen God working today? How has God been made known to others through my life? What is God saying to me today through His Word, through others, or through prayer? Don’t let yourself off the hook without answering all three questions.   
Talk to others. Ask them what they are learning about God. Listen to how God is moving in their lives. Pay attention to the work He is doing in the world around you. 
Turn off the “noise.” Seek out audibly and visually quiet places where you aren’t tempted by additional inputs and your attention isn’t being diverted from other stimuli.  
Let’s continue the conversation! Let me know how you personally engage in listening, noticing and understanding! How do you encourage this in your congregation as you grow together as disciples?   
Anne Bosarge serves as the Director of Leadership Strategies and Local Church Resources for the South Georgia Conference. Email her at

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